Well here you are. You made it! You have finally reached that time in your life when you are ready to build the home of your dreams. Everything is in place and now it is time to find the perfect custom home builder to build your dream home. But where do you start? How do you know which Builder is the suitable fit? We will discuss how you can build your Luxury Fisher Custom Home!
Choosing a custom home builder is not a decision to be taken lightly. You will be entering into a long-term relationship with your builder. Not only will it take a year, or two, or maybe longer to build your home from the time you obtain permits to receiving your certificate of occupancy, but then you will live in your home for many years to come. You want a builder that will be there for you and your home as long as you are.
We had a chance to sit down with Fisher Custom Homes (FHC), which is a premium choice in supplying custom home builders in Scottsdale, Arizona. FCH‘s website is informative as well www.fishercustomhomes.com, and they can be reached at 1-480-585-7350. Here are a few steps they suggest to take and qualities to look for in your search for the right Arizona custom home builder:
1. Do your research. Take the time to research custom home builders in the area where you will be building. Use appropriate tools like builder magazines, websites, and municipalities. If your home will be in a specific community, contact the Homeowner’s Association or Design Review Board, and ask if they have a preferred builder’s list or can recommend a builder. Go to websites of home builders to view their past projects and see if that builder suits the style you would like your home to replicate. The Phoenix Business Journal, Better Business Bureau, and the Home Builders Association of Central Arizona are all great publications where you can find reputable custom home builders. Always check the Registrar of Contractor’s website to see if the builder has had any complaint cases or other violations filed against them.
2. Referrals. If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then word of mouth is the best form of advertisement. Try asking around and find happy home owners who would refer their custom home builder. Testimonials are an assured way to find a tried-and-true builder.
3. Interview builders. Once you have narrowed down builders from your research, conduct interviews. Similar to a job interview, this gives you a chance to interact with the potential candidate you are looking to hire. You can see if the builder is someone you want to deal with for the next few years. If it is possible for you to visit the builder’s office(s), you may get a better glimpse into their operations, their team, and their process. Best case scenario, you may get a tour of finished homes and/or homes in progress.
4. Knowledge and expertise. Look for a builder who demonstrates superior knowledge and expertise not only in their profession as a builder, but in the area where you want to build and in the style you envision for your home. Monica, the Chief Operating Officer of Fisher Custom Homes offers, “Whether you have a home designed, a parcel of land purchased, or are just beginning your search and need guidance on where to buy in the area, our company can be at your service.” A builder should be able to answer your questions thoroughly, and perhaps even bring up helpful points that may not have occurred to you.
5. Communication. This is a key element when entering into any relationship or contract. Choose a builder with whom you find it easy and pleasurable to communicate with. The home building process is a fluid one, frequently changing throughout the project. A builder who can convey ideas and explain processes in a concise manner is a builder who will make your custom home building experience an exciting one.
6. Trust. Whenever hiring any professional, trust is essential. You have employed your builder for its expertise. The custom home building process can be complicated and chaotic. Find a builder that reins in the procedures of getting your home built efficiently and effectually. You and your builder will enjoy building your home when you have built a bridge of trust through clear communication and thoughtful collaboration. With the slogan, we build nice homes for nice people, FCH‘s Project Manager, Dennis, comments, “Custom home building is our passion and proficiency.”
7. Collaboration. There are so many cooks making the stew of custom home building, you want your builder to be experienced with a long track record of collaborators. If your home will be in a community and the builder has already worked with the HOA or Design Review Board, this is one collaboration that can make the process of building your home quicker, smoother, and often, less expensive. Another essential collaboration is the Architect-Builder-Interior Designer team. Having these professionals working in your best interest to create your dream home is inevitable; if you can find a team that has successfully worked together in the past, you are golden!
8. In-House Architect. Some custom home builders are Design/Build firms. This means the builder has an in-house architect. If you find a builder you like that has an in-house architect, this is one less variable in the home building equation. Design/Build firms, like Fisher Custom Homes, create a one-stop-shop for you where the architect knows what the builder needs and vice-a-versa throughout the entire process. If you find a Design/Build firm you can go from concept to completion in one fell swoop, and quickly be living in the home of your dreams.
9. Stability and longevity. It is judicious to find a perennial builder. Operating their business in North Scottsdale for over 35 years, Fisher Custom Homes has enduring ties to the Scottsdale and Paradise Valley communities. Tim, Superintendent for FCH says, “Especially in Arizona, where homes require regular maintenance to protect them from the unrelenting desert sun and dryness, it is comforting to have a builder you can call ten years down the line,” and know the company who provided your paint, stucco, roof, etc. will be able to repair and maintain your home for as many years as your are enjoying it.
10. Lasting relationship. You should be excited and refreshed before, during and after the process of building your custom home. After all, you have come to a point in your life where you deserve this luxury. It should be a joyful experience. The President of FCH, Thomas Fisher, believes so much in the importance of building lasting relationships with his clients that he works, lives and plays in the same area. His clients are his friends and neighbors. Although there are ebbs and flows in the details of the custom home building process (it is not always roses and daisies), in its entirety you should be happy with the process, happy with the result, and happy with your new home.