Fisher Custom Homes is an Arizona Custom Luxury Home Builder that specializes in the North Scottsdale and Paradise Valley areas. Because building a dream home is an emotional and personal process, we work with only those who invest the time to personally review their preferred lifestyle and their expectations with us. Our clients come to us with discretionary and discriminating taste. Whether looking for a private getaway retreat, an entertaining oasis, a comfortable sanctuary, or all of the above, our clients look to us to capture in stone and mortar what they sense within. Our process is communication and cooperation – leading to common achievement. Communication begins with listening. An initial meeting allows us to discuss the clients’ vision. We listen to homeowners’ goals and help take them from cautious and unsure to comfortable and confident.
This hillside project in Paradise Valley is just a few months away from completion. The clients have selected beautiful interior and exterior colors and details. Varying, sharp angles are essential to this contemporary-style house. At the back of the house, the patio is still in progress so plastic sheets are placed on the finished walls to protect them from the construction equipment. Dual neutral shades of tile are installed in the Exercise Shower with a lovely pattern of larger white tiles and small multi-shaped tiles. From the outside view at the West Side of the house we can see the steep grade which creates glorious views. The combination of differing textures enriches the feel and look of this home on the South Terrace.
Fisher Custom Homes is in the framing stage of this magnificent home in DC Ranch. This home has a combination of masonry and wood framing which makes this expansive hillside home very strong and lasting structurally. With the framing in progress, we see scaffolding and other construction equipment on site. Meanwhile, stone pieces are delivered in crates waiting to be installed where the plans call for them. A steel beam runs along what will become the main entry way, dissecting the masonry columns. Trusses perch atop wood framing and begin to take shape of the designed home.